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Coalescence Coffee Company

Coalescence Coffee Company

Organization Type

Local Business, SMB


Food & Beverage

Service Provided

Coaching / Thought Partnership

a community that happens to also serve really good coffee.

Coalescence Coffee Company emphasizes creating spaces where people are welcomed and valued, and where those people can gather, learn, ideate and build together- all around one of the greatest unifiers and wonders of the world- coffee. Located in Norfolk, Virginia's Railroad District, Coalescence bridges its connection to the local community to its connection with the world- from its founders' coffee origins in Germany to its partnership with Rwandan entrepreneurs seeking to build those same spaces for reconciliation and relationship in their communities.

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Coalescence Coffee Company recognized the importance of revisiting its foundational elements, ensuring that the core values, mission, and desired impact were not only clear but also effectively guiding the company's efforts toward creating spaces of belonging and togetherness. In recalibrating the company's efforts with its original vision, Coalescence would be able to make a more targeted and impactful strategy, and strengthen their connection with the local community while simultaneously maintaining a global impact perspective through meaningful partnerships.


Foundational Alignment: Helped Founder revisit the company’s origins, core values, and their desired impact and mission to realign their efforts and better determine where to allocate current priorities.

Customer Archetypes: Explored different loose archetypes of customers served by looking at factors like distance traveled, reason for space utilization (meetings, homework, building business, etc.), and frequency of visitation.

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